The Fairway
For almost 300 years, men have been doing business on the golf course. Correction: straight, white men have been doing business on the golf course. Securing deals, discussing investments, building generational wealth.
Women, and particularly women of color, haven't been invited. And if they dared to show up, they certainly weren't included.
Until now.
Welcome to our Fairway.
The Fairway Dinners
An inclusive table where every womxn has a seat.
Intimate, inclusive, intersectional dinners bringing together womxn across generations, industries + walks of life to support – and become a part of – each other’s transformations.
Our chief concern? Creating women's access to capital: human, social and financial.
Over cocktails and conversation, we secure deals, discuss investments and build generational wealth.
Our promise to you? We recognize your value and increase your valuation.

What women are saying...
If you've experienced The Fairway, you know.
It's not networking.
It's net*worth*ing.
We take the "work" out of networking. Our curated dinners are built for you.
In our first 24 months, completely bootstrapped and self-funded, we've been able to accomplish so much.
1000 women. 26 dinners. 2 events. 8 markets.
We've created access to:
$10M+ increased wealth
33K+ curated connections
11K+ human capital hours
425+ un-gettable meetings
275+ job opportunities
And we're just getting started.
We are coming to *your* city next.
Men receive 98% of VC funding. Women get jack sh*t. (Or is it "Jane" sh*t in this situation?)
So, don't go fund him.
Your investment will help to Fund the Fairway in new markets: growing our movement, reaping the rewards for women of what they've sown: work and success that has been hard-earned, fearlessly fought, deeply-deserved.